Tube and Vial Labeling Automation

Tube and Vial Labeling Automation

Nautilus Systems, Inc. has developed highly modular and extremely flexible systems specifically for application and wrapping of labels onto Tubes, Vials, Cups, Syringes, and other cylindrical labware in compact packages that are perfectly suited to the lab automation market. Our Tube and Vial Labeling Solutions include:

LC100 Tube Pro

Nautilus Systems LC100 Tube Pro Automated Tube Labeling

The Tube Pro is an accessory system we have developed specifically for placing labels on Vials and Tubes. Configured specifically for laboratory and medical markets the Tube Pro is a highly versatile system.

For more information about the LC100 Tube Pro CLICK HERE.


Nautilus Systems Flex TVF

The FLEX TVF (Tube and Vial Feeder) is our standard system for automated feeding of Tubes or Vials. It is an all-electric system. It provides a bulk storage hopper into which an Operator (or other automation) can place a large number of Tubes or Vials. The FLEX TVF then uses our patented technology to, gently and quietly, automatically separate individual Tubes from the bulk storage and deposit them individually onto an output conveyor as required by downstream automation equipment.

For more information about the FLEX TVF CLICK HERE.

FLEX Tube Pro

Nautilus Systems Flex Tube Pro

The FLEX Tube Pro is our standard system for automatically feeding Tubes or Vials from bulk storage, labeling the Tubes, and placing the labeled Tubes into a bin for removal by an Operator or to downstream automation for subsequent operations.
For more information about the FLEX Tube Pro CLICK HERE.

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Nautilus Systems Inc

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