Lab Automation

Nautilus Systems, Inc. has developed a series of products specifically for the laboratory automation market utilizing our patented technology to deliver the ultimate labeling solutions for lab automation. Products include:

Tube and Vial Labeling Automation

Nautilus Systems Flex Tube Pro

Nautilus Systems, Inc. has developed highly modular and extremely flexible systems specifically for application and wrapping of labels onto Tubes, Vials, Cups, Syringes, and other cylindrical labware in compact packages that are perfectly suited to the lab automation market.


Syringe Pro Labeling Automation

Nautilus Systems PL with Auto Reject

Nautilus Systems, Inc. has developed a ‘Syringe Pro’ product line specific to applying and wrapping labels on Syringes. The Syringe Pro is a modular system configured specifically for syringe labeling with options to automatically position Syringes for correct label radial orientation as well as axial location. The radial orientation correction system ensures that the label starts and ends its wrap around the Syringe in the correct position relative to features such as finger flanges. Axial location, which is along the length of the Syringe, is controlled by the design of the Syringe Pro roller set. The Syringe Pro is designed for quick changeover between different syringe types and includes modules for printing (thermal transfer or full color), automatic radial orientation, and other functions such as inspection of labels prior to wrapping them on the syringe.

For more information about the SYRINGE LABELING AUTOMATION CLICK HERE.

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Nautilus Systems Inc

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